Saturday, November 30, 2019

Just for Feet free essay sample

But turn to inventory turnover rate, the number was quite terrible for a retail company. Compare to average number of the industry which is around 2. 8-3. 2, JFF’s faced a serious difficulty on inventory turnover, which led to a potential risk in generating profit. Also the return on assets and equity were below the competitors in the market, and the time interest earned declined very fast during 1996-1998, means that the quality of financing activities was poor. * High-risk financial statement items: For 1998 audit, there were several factors should be carefully concerned. The first was the number of inventory. JFF’s inventory in 1998 consisting more than half of the company’s total assets, which was a high risk factor and need more efforts on physical confirmation and valuation. The second audit red flag was the negative cash flow. The common cash flow for a retail company should be positive and this is especially true for those large, well established ones. We will write a custom essay sample on Just for Feet or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page So JFF’s situation made it stand out in the industry, and the audit process should focus on this abnormal fact. Moreover, the dramatic increases in debt and the rising of accounts payable should also be considered and require extra audit attention. Q2. Identify internal control risks common to large, high-volume retail. How should these risks affect the audit planning decisions for such a client? Generally speaking, the most possible internal control risk to large, high-volume retail stores is that about inventory. How to count it and value it accurately is always the issue that auditors should concern most. The audit team should examine the company’s period physical count records and perform year-end inventory count by themselves to ensure the accuracy of inventory number. Also, another very important risk area that auditors should pay attention to is the cash accounts. The audit procedures designed to examine whether the financial figures are fairly stated should adjust to adapt to the specific company base on its overall business environment and operating characteristics. In addition, retail companies always adopt cost leadership strategy which minimizes operating expenses. This will result in inconsistency in policies because of decentralization and high employer turnover rate because of low human resource expense, and both these factors will accordingly increase risk of accounting errors or frauds. In order to issue opinion properly for a retail company, auditors should plan appropriate audit test focus on these high risk areas. Q3. Identify inherent risk factors common to businesses facing such competitive conditions. How should these risks affect the audit planning decisions for such a client? Intensively competitive business environment will increase the management’s pressure and thus increase the inherent audit risk of the company. In order to satisfy shareholders or investors, management maybe commit fraudulent financial reporting to cover the company’s worsened operation conditions. In this situation, audit planning should have certain procedures to test the opportunities whether management can commit fraud, such as inquiries of management and employers to establish an overall understanding of the client’s strategies and business, industry and economic environment and competitors’ situations. Also another risk factor that will increase the company’s inherent audit risk is the situation of its cash flow. If a retail company has a negative cash flow which means it not generating enough cash to maintain its operations, the risk of misstatement will accordingly increase. As stated in Q1, auditors should spend more efforts on examine the cash accounts if the cash flow of the company shows some abnormal signals. Q4. Identify the audit risk factors present for the 1998 audit. Rank 5 factors that were the most critical to the successful completion of that audit. Did Deloitte auditors responded appropriately to these factors? * Management pressure under highly competitive business environment. * Large inventory size (more than half of total assets) and low inventory turnover(less than half of the industry average). * Unusual financial reporting â€Å"treatments† such as vendor allowances and income control. * Continuing negative cash flow. * Drastic increase in overall debt during the past three years. * Decentralized business. * Low return on assets and equity. The audit risk factors stated above are in my opinion in descending order of importance to the 1998 audit of JFF. First, the management tone is always the critical aspect whether a company will or will not commit a fraudulent financial reporting. If the management is under high pressure in a highly competitive market at the same time has the opportunities to access inappropriate behaviors, it will result in high possibilities that this company conduct intentional misstatement or omission of adequate disclosure in financial statements. And in the JFF case, the unusual facts such as the low inventory turnover and continuing negative cash flow and dramatic increase in debt are also the areas should be pay enough attention to complete a successful audit. Always these unusual facts will increase the difficulties of the company’s operation sustainability, thus let to high risk of accounting fraud activities happening. To some extent, Deloitte auditors did try to complete professional audit for JFF and adopt several tests to finish this process properly, but on the other hand, they failed to respond enough to the dwindling cash and increased debt. They also failed to discover the fact that JFF’s business consistently grow despite of continuing negative operating cash flows in more than three years. These are all the unusual facts for a well-established and high profit retail company. So in my opinion, Deloitte auditors failed to respond appropriately to all possible audit risk factors, and thus led to their failure in the audit process of JFF. Q5. How would you have responded when being asked to send a false confirmation to Deloitte Touche? Before responding, identify the parties who will be affected by your decision. Commonly, all the parties that involved in the company’s business will be affected by booth income if it is false stated. Actually, this is an intentional manipulation of financial statement which will not be accepted under GAAP and related law. Shareholders, investors, vendors and suppliers, customers and company’s employees all will be affected if this false booth income was stated and thus led to certain punishment or penalty on JFF and ultimately caused the company went out of business. If I was in the position of Thomas Shine in this case, I would say no to Don-Allen Ruttenberg. This is simply because as an auditor, I should preform professionally and comply with AICPA Code of professional conduct. It is not allowed to make false financial statement confirmation when I was clearly know what is happening. This may cause some trouble to my career in the short term like I might lose this client or so, but I believe doing the right thing will ultimately benefit me in the long term career development.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Au Cas Où - French Expression Explained

Au Cas Oà ¹ - French Expression Explained The French expression Au cas oà ¹ (pronounced [o ka oo], note that there is no liaison between cas and oà ¹) literally translates  to in the case where Explanation and Examples The French expression au cas oà ¹ is exactly equivalent to (just) in case in English. You can use it in front of a subject plus verb in the conditional, in which case its register is normal to formal. The more interesting - and informal - usage is when its tacked on to the end of a sentence. If you dont already use au cas oà ¹ regularly, you soon will.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Au cas oà ¹ il rentrerait avant nous, je vais lui laisser un mot.  Ã‚  Ã‚  (Just) in case he gets home before us, Im going to leave him a note.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Apporte un parapluie, au cas oà ¹ il pleuvrait.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bring an umbrella, (just) in case it rains.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Apporte un blouson, au cas oà ¹.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bring a jacket, just in case. Synonymous Expressions For au cas oà ¹ conditional: dans le cas oà ¹des fois quepour le cas oà ¹ For the informal au cas oà ¹ at the end of a sentence: tout hasardpour le cas oà ¹

Friday, November 22, 2019

Building the Nation Future Leaders

Ma’am and Sir, Good morning! With my great desire, to be one of the guest speakers at today’s event; I accept the challenge and invitation of the teaching staff of this institution to challenge everyone today! It is a great privilege and opportunity for me to speak in front of you as a challenger of your mind and hearts to give an inspirational message that will challenge everyone today! You truly deserve to give pride to yourself as you step into another ladder of your success. It’s been unforgettable event that we should reminisce every now and then the significant marked of our lives as we give priority to our achievement in the field of learning. We bind us one today to celebrate the fruit of our sacrifices; your unsung hero shows their unfading support behind your success as they watch you to recognize this day, your ever loving teachers honored you for the commendable appreciation of your great work during learning process and the person who is one way of molding your life interest and being proud to yourself that you have done the great job in schooling. Our Theme: â€Å"Building the Nation Future Leaders through the K to 12 Basic Education Program or the K to 12 Basic Education- Tungo sa Paghuhubog ng mga Makabagong lider ng Bansa. I would like to talk first about the program of Department of Education in order for us to understand well the message of our nation for us as a stakeholder of change. The K to 12 Program covers Kindergarten and 12 years of basic education (6 years of Primary Education, four years of juniors High School, and another two years of Senior High School) which provide our learners to undergo suffici ent time for mastering the concepts and skills presented during learning process. Enhance the abilities and capacities of our learners, and prepare our graduate to higher education, job employment, and business or entrepreneurship. The K to 12 Basic Education Program is a key chain to success because it helps our graduates to become ready and more successful to go in their different paths, Maybe some them will proceed to tertiary education, for employment, or do a business. We strongly believed that this changes in our Educational Program will affect our way of living, to give us hope for a better future because our young leaders equipped with different skills in different learning areas, trained and prepared them to become an agent of change; Formal Education will make us living if we seized the right opportunity given to us. Let us work hand in hand for the betterment of our future, Let us let other known about this program, and encourage them to have a full support in achieving our Country’s progress. You as a graduate have a vital role to strengthen your great potential to become a partner of change. You will be one of the backbones of our K to 12 graduates sooner and later know that you will have to deal with changes, both big and small, continually. Be prepared to be flexible and to adopt as needed. Here are the three things to consider on becoming more successful in achieving our goals in life and to become a productive leaders someday: 1. Heads-up to your great potential. Sometimes, we may not realize the essence of our abilities. But there’s a gift given to us by our omnipotent master to give our full potential to become the most successful person. We may become successful beyond of our wildest dream. You should know yourself better, Identify your strength and weaknesses and facing the real you. The achievement of your goal is assured the moment you commit yourself to it and believe that you can do something. The first thing that we need to consider is to open your eyes to your great potential by setting your mind and goals in life. Mind setting (power of imagination) is a tool for showing your potential to become great individual for the next days. Because of it, you can now set your goals in life. Some great person believed that goal is vital. â€Å"People with goals succeed because they know where they’re going. † According to -Earl Nightingale. â€Å"The achievement of your goal is assured the moment you commit yourself to it. † -Mack R. Douglas. Formal education will make you a living. Self-education will make you a fortune. † â€Å"Unless you change how you are, you will always have what you’ve got. † â€Å"We all have two choices; we can make a living or we can design a life. † I want you to â€Å"Take up one idea and act on it. Make that one idea your life. Think of it, dream of it, and live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, and every part of your body be full of that idea and leave all other ideas alone. This is the way to success. † According to SFI Rules to Success; setting goals is so easy to do, yet 95% of people never set goals. They just never take the time. And who do you think are the most successful, highest-earning people in the world? The 5% group of course! If you want to be in the 5% group, don’t even think about ignoring goal-setting! 2. Begin with realistic plan (winning starts with beginning). If you sealed with something and you fell not moving on your way, start to get started and start whatever you had right now. There’s no perfect time to wait, do the best job you can and always keep learning and moving ahead. Who among you here have a Facebook account? What is the first thing you do in getting connected with that social networking? Just to sign up and get started, right? â€Å"You don’t have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great. † -Les Brown, â€Å"Everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was. † -Richard L. Evans. â€Å"Failing to plan is planning to fail. † â€Å"Without goals, and plans to reach them, you are like a ship that has set sail with no destination. † -Fitzhugh Dodson â€Å"Most people have no idea of the giant capacity we can immediately command when we focus all of our resources on mastering a single area of our lives. – Anthony Robbins. â€Å"Nothing can add more power to your life than concentrating all your energies on a limited set of targets. â€Å"- Nido Qubein. â€Å"What you choose to focus your mind on is critical because you will become what you think about most of the time. â€Å"- Noel Peebles We cannot become successfu l in aiming at something, if we are trying to do many things just for once. We should be realistic in our planning and concentrate your thoughts upon working hand in hand. As they say, chase two rabbits and you’ll catch neither! â€Å"Success demands singleness of purpose. – Vincent Lombardi â€Å"No life ever grows great until it is focused, dedicated, disciplined. – Harry Emerson Fosdick. 3. Live with your goals and persist until you win. We don’t need to invest so much to earn something and to pay for our reward. â€Å"Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit. â€Å"-Conrad Hilton. â€Å"It’s when things get rough and you don’t quit that success comes. † â€Å"Other people and things can stop you temporarily. You’re the only one who can do it permanently. -Zig Ziglar Don’t let little problems upset you. Concentrate on the positivesâ⠂¬ ¦ and the â€Å"big picture. † Also remember that the only thing that will never change is that there will always be changes (especially in today’s rapidly evolving world). Don’t let changes upset you. Know that you will have to deal with changes, both big and small, continually. Be prepared to be flexible and to adapt as needed. â€Å"Learning is very fun and lifelong process† which I always emphasize in the field of learning because it awakens our interest to learned. At your youthful stage, there is an eagerness to learn in every chance as you participate inside the class. Your teacher taught you so much how to become smart, how to behave, how to learn, how to work effectively, how to perform a task and know how to accept student’s responsibility. I know each one of you possess a precocious gift from God. Who among you here wants to be a Doctor, Nurse, Lawyer, Engineer, Military, Teacher, or a President? Then don’t stop learning. ALWAYS REMEMBER THIS THREE WORDS: DON’T STOP LEARNING! ANDEA, ISIDRO JR B. KABACAN WESLEYAN ACADEMY HIGH SCHOOL DEPARMENT Building the Nation Future Leaders Ma’am and Sir, Good morning! With my great desire, to be one of the guest speakers at today’s event; I accept the challenge and invitation of the teaching staff of this institution to challenge everyone today! It is a great privilege and opportunity for me to speak in front of you as a challenger of your mind and hearts to give an inspirational message that will challenge everyone today! You truly deserve to give pride to yourself as you step into another ladder of your success. It’s been unforgettable event that we should reminisce every now and then the significant marked of our lives as we give priority to our achievement in the field of learning. We bind us one today to celebrate the fruit of our sacrifices; your unsung hero shows their unfading support behind your success as they watch you to recognize this day, your ever loving teachers honored you for the commendable appreciation of your great work during learning process and the person who is one way of molding your life interest and being proud to yourself that you have done the great job in schooling. Our Theme: â€Å"Building the Nation Future Leaders through the K to 12 Basic Education Program or the K to 12 Basic Education- Tungo sa Paghuhubog ng mga Makabagong lider ng Bansa. I would like to talk first about the program of Department of Education in order for us to understand well the message of our nation for us as a stakeholder of change. The K to 12 Program covers Kindergarten and 12 years of basic education (6 years of Primary Education, four years of juniors High School, and another two years of Senior High School) which provide our learners to undergo suffici ent time for mastering the concepts and skills presented during learning process. Enhance the abilities and capacities of our learners, and prepare our graduate to higher education, job employment, and business or entrepreneurship. The K to 12 Basic Education Program is a key chain to success because it helps our graduates to become ready and more successful to go in their different paths, Maybe some them will proceed to tertiary education, for employment, or do a business. We strongly believed that this changes in our Educational Program will affect our way of living, to give us hope for a better future because our young leaders equipped with different skills in different learning areas, trained and prepared them to become an agent of change; Formal Education will make us living if we seized the right opportunity given to us. Let us work hand in hand for the betterment of our future, Let us let other known about this program, and encourage them to have a full support in achieving our Country’s progress. You as a graduate have a vital role to strengthen your great potential to become a partner of change. You will be one of the backbones of our K to 12 graduates sooner and later know that you will have to deal with changes, both big and small, continually. Be prepared to be flexible and to adopt as needed. Here are the three things to consider on becoming more successful in achieving our goals in life and to become a productive leaders someday: 1. Heads-up to your great potential. Sometimes, we may not realize the essence of our abilities. But there’s a gift given to us by our omnipotent master to give our full potential to become the most successful person. We may become successful beyond of our wildest dream. You should know yourself better, Identify your strength and weaknesses and facing the real you. The achievement of your goal is assured the moment you commit yourself to it and believe that you can do something. The first thing that we need to consider is to open your eyes to your great potential by setting your mind and goals in life. Mind setting (power of imagination) is a tool for showing your potential to become great individual for the next days. Because of it, you can now set your goals in life. Some great person believed that goal is vital. â€Å"People with goals succeed because they know where they’re going. † According to -Earl Nightingale. â€Å"The achievement of your goal is assured the moment you commit yourself to it. † -Mack R. Douglas. Formal education will make you a living. Self-education will make you a fortune. † â€Å"Unless you change how you are, you will always have what you’ve got. † â€Å"We all have two choices; we can make a living or we can design a life. † I want you to â€Å"Take up one idea and act on it. Make that one idea your life. Think of it, dream of it, and live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, and every part of your body be full of that idea and leave all other ideas alone. This is the way to success. † According to SFI Rules to Success; setting goals is so easy to do, yet 95% of people never set goals. They just never take the time. And who do you think are the most successful, highest-earning people in the world? The 5% group of course! If you want to be in the 5% group, don’t even think about ignoring goal-setting! 2. Begin with realistic plan (winning starts with beginning). If you sealed with something and you fell not moving on your way, start to get started and start whatever you had right now. There’s no perfect time to wait, do the best job you can and always keep learning and moving ahead. Who among you here have a Facebook account? What is the first thing you do in getting connected with that social networking? Just to sign up and get started, right? â€Å"You don’t have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great. † -Les Brown, â€Å"Everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was. † -Richard L. Evans. â€Å"Failing to plan is planning to fail. † â€Å"Without goals, and plans to reach them, you are like a ship that has set sail with no destination. † -Fitzhugh Dodson â€Å"Most people have no idea of the giant capacity we can immediately command when we focus all of our resources on mastering a single area of our lives. – Anthony Robbins. â€Å"Nothing can add more power to your life than concentrating all your energies on a limited set of targets. â€Å"- Nido Qubein. â€Å"What you choose to focus your mind on is critical because you will become what you think about most of the time. â€Å"- Noel Peebles We cannot become successfu l in aiming at something, if we are trying to do many things just for once. We should be realistic in our planning and concentrate your thoughts upon working hand in hand. As they say, chase two rabbits and you’ll catch neither! â€Å"Success demands singleness of purpose. – Vincent Lombardi â€Å"No life ever grows great until it is focused, dedicated, disciplined. – Harry Emerson Fosdick. 3. Live with your goals and persist until you win. We don’t need to invest so much to earn something and to pay for our reward. â€Å"Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit. â€Å"-Conrad Hilton. â€Å"It’s when things get rough and you don’t quit that success comes. † â€Å"Other people and things can stop you temporarily. You’re the only one who can do it permanently. -Zig Ziglar Don’t let little problems upset you. Concentrate on the positivesâ⠂¬ ¦ and the â€Å"big picture. † Also remember that the only thing that will never change is that there will always be changes (especially in today’s rapidly evolving world). Don’t let changes upset you. Know that you will have to deal with changes, both big and small, continually. Be prepared to be flexible and to adapt as needed. â€Å"Learning is very fun and lifelong process† which I always emphasize in the field of learning because it awakens our interest to learned. At your youthful stage, there is an eagerness to learn in every chance as you participate inside the class. Your teacher taught you so much how to become smart, how to behave, how to learn, how to work effectively, how to perform a task and know how to accept student’s responsibility. I know each one of you possess a precocious gift from God. Who among you here wants to be a Doctor, Nurse, Lawyer, Engineer, Military, Teacher, or a President? Then don’t stop learning. ALWAYS REMEMBER THIS THREE WORDS: DON’T STOP LEARNING! ANDEA, ISIDRO JR B. KABACAN WESLEYAN ACADEMY HIGH SCHOOL DEPARMENT

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Management of information technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Management of information technology - Essay Example The organisation at the very beginning will need to explore all avenues where electronic information systems are required to manage information better. All departments should be consulted to arrive at common consensus for the need. At various levels the thought process may come to a halt due to various factors. We shall identify and explore a few. Management Issues - An organisation need to answer the question of management of the IT resource if it proceeds with the investment. An IT resource like a supply chain management software is required to be handled by a staff of experienced IT professionals who are also aware of the core business processes of the organisation. Failure to do so will result in incorrect reporting of information and ultimately lead to mismanagement. Organisational Issues - At an organisational level investment in IT could bring out some structural as well as financial issues. An organisation will need to consider its core business requirements, investor interests and well as financial implications while considering a potential investment in IT. Technological Issues - Technological issues if not planned for may derail an entire project at the implementation stage. Overlooking CTQ (critical to quality) parameters can result in doing more harm than good. Let us now look at the various issues that may arise when an organisation may invest into IT. At a management level, there may well be numerous issues. Lets look at a few which might be more common. Administration - While an organisation may want the most sophisticated software available in the market, it however needs to answer management related questions before proceeding. The organisation needs to see if it has the work force capacity to handle such a shift. Does it have the required people with necessary skill set to successfully implement and support the technology If not then who would manage this technology Many technology vendors have come up with their own solution to this issue since it is the most common and is certain to arise. While most vendors would offer specialised training to an organisation's staff, few also offer to provide dedicated staff to the organisation for day to day administration of the product. Organisations also recruit IT staff to manage the acquired product if the data is sensitive. For example an organisation would definitely would want to have an IT employee specializing in the technology in question if it is financial in nature or deals with the organisations product. If the product is unique in the market, maintaining a dedicated resource becomes all the more important. Security Issues - "Managers, consultants, IT professionals and customers believe that they have finally discovered what makes organizations work: knowledge---that invisible force that propels the most successful companies to stock market values which far exceed the visible assets of their financial balance sheet". (Borghoff & Pareschi 1997, p.835) Since technology investment deals with data which in the hands of certain individuals translates into Knowledge, protecting it is very important. An organisation may answer the security management question by restricting access of the technology to individuals on a need to know basis. This will ensure that those

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

History of Germany Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

History of Germany - Essay Example This stance humiliated that nation brisling with ego, and became one of the many reasons for the Second World War. After the Second World War, the reluctant participant United States, emerged as the super power, and dictated her terms to war-weary countries of Europe during the end stages of the war. European countries had to accept all the demands of US most of them willingly, some of them with reservations. A comparison between French demands after First World War and US demands after the Second World War, and in this comparison, we find that more of contrast lay in the altered circumstances. France acted purely on an instinct of her national survival, whereas US had hidden her intentions. France needed Germany to be humiliated and pay back for her foolhardiness, whereas US acted mainly on her self-interest with an additional desire to see Europe and the rest of the world secure without being plagued by further wars. This intention is rather remote compared to self-gratification. After Second World War, Germany was no doubt treated badly, but was made to feel that she too is one of the European countries. Even though the persecution continued for a long time, other nations and US (mainly during Kennedy regime) were ready to forgive and forget the past. The self-interest of United States was acutely apparent in every demand, be it about European countries, territory of maintenance or military presence in Europe, it had shades of world welfare in it. At least it was presented so. In comparison, we can state that both countries needed to create a war free secure future and acted with that appreciable instinct and desire. France might have been a little undiplomatic, but we say that with the benefit of a long hindsight. US has fared better and built for herself and others a much better future, while keeping German resurrection under check, without depriving Germany much of her dignity.================= ESSAY: French demands after the First World War and the American demands after the Second World War have been compared and contrasted many times by historians. Even though French demands are known to be more aggressive and thoroughly vindictive, they had a short term affect, while the American demands after Second World War, solicitous to Europe, were well calculated and had a very long-term results. Perhaps eventually, it led to the formation of a European Union. United States of America, without Europe on its side, is a bit of loner, a kind of world bully. America and European countries have helped each other over the years. In both cases, Germany was victimised with good reasons, and with the hindsight, Germany has shaken off her past and is a confirmed democratic nation today. Europe was dominated by America and her demands after Second World War and later, some regions, by Soviet block. Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau rightly said, "Yes, we have won the war and not without difficulty; but now we are going to have to win the peace, and that will perhaps be even more difficult". Perhaps France, suffered more than any other country in Europe from the First World War and was determined not to put herself in such jeopardy again, and this resolve reflected in her demands after the world war. One look at the sacrifices made by France, her loss for no fault of hers, her sinking low in the ranks of world powers entirely due to war, no one could blame her for being vindictive or

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Health and Socail P1 Essay Example for Free

Health and Socail P1 Essay P1 Explain potential hazards and the harm that may arise from each in a health or social care setting Relating to the physical environment The physical environment is everything that is around you, this includes; 1. The building 2. The air 3. The temperature 4. Objects 5. People 6. Pets The physical environment has a huge impact on the staffs and individuals well-being. The spread of Airborne infections are increased when the ventilation is poor, airborne infections such as colds and influenza, so it is important to have fresh air circulating at all times in a health and social care setting, especially in elderly homes as older people tend to catch things more easily as do younger children. Individuals should never be in a draught and should always be warm enough. Older people, babies and people with disabilities find it harder to keep their body at an adequate temperature; you should always cater to their needs. Fumes and smoke shouldn’t contaminate the air that should be clean. The ventilation should remove stale air and provide air movement. All the rooms in the environment should have central heating; each should be able to be controlled to the specific temperature the individual wants. The lighting in each room should be bright enough and in a position for the individuals in the environment to read and participate in other activities. Emergency lighting should also be in place in case a light breaks or electrical problems occur; it should come on if there is a power failure. When the lighting is poor is can cause numerous problems and is hazardous to those who are in that setting, it will affect those with a vision impairment, with people that have limited vision you should make sure that they are in a well-lit area. Equipment Hazards from equipment could include * Untidiness e.g. toys, equipment left in corridors on stairs or blocking fire exits. * Poor maintenance, e.g. frayed wiring or broken equipment * Unsafe practice, e.g. overload sockets or trailing flexes * Lack of awareness of hazards, e.g. hot surfaces or moving parts All equipment must work and function correctly; it must be full maintained at all times. This could include fire fighting equipment, hoists and medical diagnostic equipment such as ECG or x-ray machines, it is very important that these are checked on a regular basis for any faults because the individual could be wrongly diagnosed. Computers and laptops now play as an important role in the care industry as they do in any other aspect of work. If they are positioned in an awkward place the individual can suffer from strain injuries, they can strain their vision if they have too much exposure to the screen, and incorrect sitting can lead to neck strain and back pains. Anything they need should be in reach or this can cau se them to overstretch and this could cause a fall. Infections You should always follow policies and procedures that are put in place; they are they to keep you and others around you safe. If you do not follow them you could cause unnecessary harm to you, your colleagues or individuals in your work place. Babies and older people are at a much greater risk of complications if they catch food borne infections, the incidence of MRSA in hospitals has highlighted the potentially devastating outcomes and effects of poor personal hygiene practices and over-prescription of antibiotics. On the national statistics website it shows that the number of deaths linked to MRSA in the UK from 1993 to 2006 rose to 1,625. But on the death certificates that mentioned it declined, and then in 2008 there was a fall of 23%. If the bacteria are on the skin then they can spread by touch, if it is in the nose or lungs then it can be passed on by droplet spread, by breathing or coughing over someone. But if the person is healthy then when they leave hospital it can just d isappear, this applies for people living with them; if they are healthy special precautions don’t need to be out in place. If it gets into the bloodstream through a wound then it can cause serious illness such as 1. Bone marrow infection 2. Blood poisoning 3. Septic shock 4. Septic arthritis 5. Meningitis 6. Abscesses anywhere within the body 7. Infection of the heart lining 8. Pneumonia Substances The hazardous waste does not stop after disposing of it as if his disposal of hazardous waste is not correct it could damage the health of all in the environment if not disposed of at all it can lead to infection and a spread of infection also. So when dealing with waste especially hazardous you has to make sure you depose of it correctly. Type of waste | Risk| How to dispose of the waste | Sharps (needles or syringes) | Risk of getting an infection off a dirty needle | All dirty needles must be out in a yellow box it can be small or large, it must be shut once it’s at its limit and it will not open once it has been closed. | Clinical dressings | Infection can occur | Must be placed in a yellow box which must be sealed with arrangements of the collection.| Body fluid (blood, urine, faeces, vomit. | A risk of infection | When cleaning up any of the waste you have to ensure gloves are worn it must be flushed down the toilet and then the toilet must be disinfected and if it was on the floor, disinfect where the waste was.| Soiled linen| Another risk of infection | They must be out in the special laundry bags which disintegrate when being washed.| There are a number of substances used in health and social care settings that are hazardous if misused. Cleaning fluids, medications and x-rays are all examples of substances found in health and social care settings. Chemicals can cause burns to the throat and oesophagus if swallowed by accident. Care should be taken at all times when administrating medication as it could be given to the wrong person which could lead to them suffering, or something as simple as the wrong dose. This type of mistake can have a devastating result for example in 2005 2 nurses miscalculated the dose of a drug needed to slow down a baby boys heart rate. He was given 10x the dose and he died. Hazardous working conditions Working conditions are aspects of your job, the hours that you work, the staffing levels and the staff relations. Even though we have tried to improve in the quality of health and social care as a result of regular inspections there are still with staff turnover and staff shortages this can lead to the staff rushing what they are doing with results in them ignoring the policies and procedures, this can lead to a risk of injury or accidents. Pay rates are low for early years workers and health and social care assistants, they are often only paid the minimum wage this can make people feel undervalued and make them less likely to follow policies and procedures. When there are staff shortages it can cause staff to be expected to do overtime, being a care worker or being in care work is physically and mentally demanding and too much of it is likely to cause staff to not perform to the best of their abilities, the more tired the staff are the more likely they are to make mistakes like miscalculating medication does, they will be less alert which could lead to them missing a sign that someone is ill. Stress is another reason of staff shortages, stress can be shown in many different ways people suffer from anxiety, sleep problems, digestive disorders, high blood pressure, and mood swings. None of these are good for a member of staff to be suffering with, it can lead to all sorts of problems in the health and social care setting. The vacancy rates for health and social care are higher than any other employment sectors in England, many care homes cannot recruit sufficient staff, and the shortages of staff have an impact of the quality of care given to those in the environment. Hazardous working practices The jobs you do when caring for people are called working practices. They include: 1. Moving and handling 2. Preparing food 3. Changing nappies 4. Giving injections/supervising 5. Giving injections 6. Supervising individuals with challenging behaviour You should always follow the procedures correctly because if you do not you can out yourself and others at harm. Care workers still suffer injuries related to moving people they care for even despite the manual handling regulations 1992. It was reported in 2003 that 80,000 nurses sustain back injuries at work each year, one third of all reported accidents involve moving and handling. The main hazards with moving and handling are that the handler may slip or trip over, stand in an awkward position, twist and overstretch, this can cause the handler to have neck or back pain, it can cause strain, and sprain or they could fracture a bone this could happen to either the handler or individual. They could end up with a permanent disability. Hazardous security systems Security systems are to keep staff and individuals safe from intruders, security systems are fitted in most health and social care settings. Residential homes normally keep the main door locked and only the people there have special keys and there family, or you have to buzz to get in. although this is a good thing, it could also be a bad thing as in fires it could waste time that could possibly save lives. All confidential information about the residents is withheld on the computer system and should be password protected all the filing cabinets should also be kept locked at all times. Section 2. Residential care There are different types of residential care homes, those for the older generation, people with disabilities and children who are looked after. In each of these settings health and safety has to taken extremely seriously, the carers have to make sure that the residents can escape in a fire, they have to make sure they are not putting one another in danger and that infections do not spread. It is important that the residents are informed about keeping themselves and others safe. In some of the residential homes the residents can come and go as they please but in a place where there may be little children or people that are confused that would not be allowed. They could put themselves in danger of getting ran over or hurt themselves. In winter time or in the colder weather, if they cannot find their way back or they don’t want to go back they could develop hypothermia. Child minder Settings where there are children should be very safe. Little children are curious and want to see and touch everything, they put things into their mouths lie toys or objects, this can cause them to choke or if they swallow a liquid such as a cleaning detergent they could be poisoned. They could open a gate and go wandering, cupboards, drawers could be opened which have poisonous substances in them, and they could climb and get stuck or distressed. When working in a preschool setting you have to be constantly vigilant and always alert and on the lookout for anything dangerous. Staffs is responsible for all activities the children take part in and therefore have to ensure that they are safe and not hazardous. Public environment Most parks are away from busy roads but there are a few which aren’t, in his case there is a danger of the child opening the gate and running out into the road, you have to watch your child at all times to ensure the safety of him/her. You also have to be vigilant of those in the park also, as there could be bigger children which could run into the child. Also if there is a skate park where the older children and teenagers chill you have to be careful for any empty glass bottles, also if older people are unsteady on their feet this can create a hazard for them. Sometimes people like to vandalize the park equipment and leave it in a dangerous state if you are looking after a child you should always check the park equipment before allowing your child on, this can easily stop an accident which may have happened. You may also have to asses if the child is age appropriate, if not you shouldn’t let the child on it in case of an injury, parks do have an impact absorbing floor normally which cushions the child’s fall, but accidents can still happen and you should always keep a close eye on your child. Some parks are frequente d by drug abusers; they may leave needles on the ground which would be extremely harmful to young children, so it would be a good idea to scan the ground. Dog owners tend to walk their dogs in the parks, dog faeces is a threat to children. There is such thing as toxicara which is a roundworm that can be present in dog faeces; this can potentially result in total blindness in one or both eyes. Parks are an idea place to take children to allow them to get some exercise and socialise with other children. Section 3 * Those receiving care, link to an older person and a young child: Young children are unable to recognize hazards themselves, their coordination is still developing. If substances are left lying around the child could get hold of them, this could lead to devastating consequences or even fatal, the child could be poisoned. You should always put locks on drawers and cupboards to ensure the children cannot get hold of hazardous substances. If things are left lying around such as toys a child could get hold of it and put it into their mouths if it too small or a toy is broken the child could choke. An older person could walk into things if they have limited vision or the lights are not bright enough. You should always make sure that the care setting is suitable and fits the residents needs. The main doors should always be locked in case there are residents who are confused, they may try to leave. An older person can be harmed if they need to be lifted into a bath or onto a bed, care should be taken when handling individuals and procedures should always be followed correctly. Workers in a setting: Workers sometimes come across Violent service users, this can put them at harm and they can be hurt. They could potentially fracture a bone. There may be faulty equipment which could be hazardous to the service provider as if they are lifting a service user and the equipment is broken the whole weight could be out on them and themselves and the individual could hurt themselves. If there is a shortage of staff and it is very busy the workers could feel stressed, stress can cause them to have anxiety and lack of sleep. If a member staff has had lack of sleep this will cause them to feel tired and they may not be als alert as they should be which can cause harm to themselves and the individual. If there are staff shortages tsome members of staff will be asked to work overtime, this can cause them to feel tired which again means that are not as vigilant as they would be. Support staff (eg caterers, cleaners, administrative), Cleaners are at a risk of being harmed by hazardous waste, if someone has soiled there bed sheets the cleaners have to take the sheets off the bed and put it into the wash, they come into contact with it which means germs can be passed. They also have to clean after someone has been sick again they can catch a bug or become unwell. Cleaners have to dispose of used dressing and needles they could catch an infection if they come into with them. * Visitors (eg relatives, friends, volunteers) Visitors need to be signed in and out in case of fires, if there was a fire and they are not signed in no one would know that they are there and they could at risk of being trapped in the building. Visitors are also at risk of catching infections or any bugs that are going around within the care setting. They should be informed of any infections before they visit. *

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Brave New World †Individual Needs :: Brave New World

Brave New World – Individual Needs Brave New World Sometimes very advanced societies overlook the necessities of the individual. In the book Brave New World, Aldous Huxley creates two distinct societies: the Savages and the Fordians. The Fordians are technologically sophisticated, unlike the Savages. However, it is obvious that, overall, the Savages have more practical abilities, have more, complicated, ideals, and are much more advanced emotionally, which all help the individual to grow. The Savage Reservation provides more opportunities for personal growth than does the Fordian society. Throughout the story, it is shown how the Fordian society is much more advanced technologically than the Savage Reservation. Because the Reservation is not fully equipped with well-developed machinery to do all their work for them, they must learn to do it themselves. Unlike the Fordians, the Savages are taught functional skills, such as stitching up simple tears and weaving. In the story Mitsima, an old man from the reservation, teaches John the Savage how to make a clay pot, using nothing but a lump of clay and his own two hands. This is a very practical and useful tool. The Savages are taught to cook for themselves, and to clean for themselves. These teachings help the individual to grow practically. The Savages also bestow good ideals in their people from which they can learn, understand, and grow. One of the most important things that the Savages are taught is self-control. The Whipping Ceremony is a good example of this. In this ceremony a young man was whipped to death in front of a large audience and throughout it he "made no sound†¦[and] walked on at the same slow, steady pace" (97). The man is taught that to show his strength he must use the uttermost limits of his self-control. They are also taught self-control in how they are prohibited free sex. They must learn restraint through their lust and desires. It is shown how capable the Savages are when controlling themselves in chapter 13. Lenina, whom John loves and desires more than anything in the world, is proclaiming herself to John, and yet he restrains himself because they are not married.     The Savages are also taught

Monday, November 11, 2019

Evergreen Investment Essay

Case Summary This case talks about an American mutual fund company that was facing problems  ·with its CRM system. Sales agents felt that they derived little value from it and also it was time consuming. The company is investigating if it could solve this problem by introducing mobile CRM to be accessed wirelessly on blackberry devices. But what are the key factors that have contributed to the success of mobile CRM initiative at Evergreen? Evergreen investments’ background Evergreen investments are the America’s 25th largest asset management company and 32nd largest investment management in the world. It is headquartered in Boston and Charlotte. The company entrusted with $250 billion in assets, over 350 investment professionals and over 3 million investors. CRM in the past In the past, the company use company-supplied laptops to gain access to CRM system, send Emails to customs and expend reporting and commission tracking. At the same time, the company use mobile phones to give their customs a voice call. Scheduling client calls is another way to build a link with customs. It include informal face-to-face meet. And also, client calls can make company knows the actual sales pitch, discuss market topics with customs, meet new faces and call back-up for data. At last, company update any information in CRM, and participate in evergreen conference call at fixed period. Issues in the past Although the company uses CRM to gain some success, their issues still exist. On the one hand, this method required too much time. The company needs to dial up the Internet, using multiple passwords and entering lengthy data, all of which are time consuming. On the other hand, some information is unavailable when they needed. More specifically, when the company meets the customer, laptops were unavailable. Moreover, the company required the use of internal sales consultant to help them handle the business with customers. At last, entry CRM is not easy, the company usually required 1 day per week and sometimes data is unreliable. Mobile CRM In order to improve the CRM system, the company introduces mobile CRM to be accessed wirelessly on blackberry devices. Blackberry main menu allows for easy access to CRM. Its clicking track wheel allows drill down into any sales number. Initial screens display YTD, MTD, previous day’s sales, or large orders. It enables more detailed data, reports, customer information, and other tasks. Detailed customer screens show single customer information including contact details and sales summary. On the basis of this mobile CRM, the Evergreen Investments’ design greatly improved and the productivity increased as well. The key factors to success The success of the company using mobile CRM due to three factors, easy to use, reliability and updated. More specifically, using the simple method can build an easy way to contact between customers and company. It also makes the company more effective in terms of CRM. In addition, the CRM system should be reliability for both customers and company, which resulting a trusted relationship between customers and company. At last, the company should update their data about their customers. The updated progress should be easy and fast. Potential threats Even if the company uses mobile CRM with an exact way, they may face some potential threats as well. People do not need to come to office, they just need a mobile phone and work wherever they want, which could lead to the low efficiency. They need to handle the relation between family and work. And also this kind of work pattern is not easy for managers to manage their company.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Hard Rock Essay

Hard Rock’s three main internal information systems (restaurant operations, merchandising, and financial)? Why was this a problem? content_from_NY 2. What’s the solution? [List] -Putting a data warehouse system oTo store restaurant point-of-sales customer data, merchandise sales, customer demographic, preference oTo link data via the Web -Installing chain-wide merchandise system -Putting Radius inventory management system Adopting Lawson software financial module, lotus notes oTo update on a daily basis oTo create a common ledger for all stores allowing the system to automatically reconcile numbers for every cafes oTo reduce workload for finance staff The new systems and data warehouse are accessible through companywide intranet, allowing employee to look up customer detail and other information with just one click. 3. What’s the role of CRM? [List] How does the data in a CRM differ from that of a POS? Table) -To build and strengthen relationship between company and its customer ex. Hard Rock building an online community. – To capture information about customers and give them customized details in order to drive customer revisit. -To gain personal information about customer and use it to offer personalized service. oHard Rock gift certificate which can be redeemed on the website by using identification number in return of personal information and survey. To track customers both on the Web and in the restaurants, which allows company to offer promotion based on user behavior. -To trace online visitors and track how they respond to certain promotions. -To have a better understanding of each customer. -To take in account customers’ needs and question. -To deliver services or product that satisfies customers. -To interact with customers and analyze these interactions to maximize revenue/ profits and customer satisfaction

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Information Services Available to International Students The WritePass Journal

Information Services Available to International Students Introduction Information Services Available to International Students rodrigo | October 12, 2011 Introduction Getting accurate information about studying and living in the UK is crucial if you are either planning to come to the country or have already started to live there. The UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA), provides a range of advice and information for international students. It has updates on news likely to affect overseas students, plus plenty of information about immigration, visa requirements, funding and fees, working in the UK both during and after your studies, and advice on living and studying in the country. The British Council is a useful source of information about studying in theUK. Most countries have a British Council office and will provide advice face-to-face, via telephone or online about education, courses available and institutions for study. The Council also gives useful tips for international students about living and working in the UK. If you are looking for information about undergraduate studies, the website of the Universities, Colleges and Admission Services (UCAS), will direct you to the range of institutions and courses on offer throughout the UK. The official website for those wishing to pursue postgraduate studies is Prospects, and international students will find a wealth of information about the types of courses or research programmes available, together with helpful advice on, for example, extending a student visa and what exhibitions and fairs are available to attend for further information on studying. The website provides a wide range of information on all topics that international students need to know, including useful listings of accommodation available and relevant costs, plus a handy page of discount information on food, travel and entertainment. The UK government’s Directgov page has helpful information on available sources of funding for international students. Higher education institutions provide advice both online and through student support officers who are there to help you with any questions about studying, living and working during your academic life.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Answer question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Answer question - Essay Example ounterparts saw marriage as something coming from a divine power – that of a god-father and a goddess-mother who bless the union in marriage rituals and sexual intercourse. Lawler describes pagan marriage as â€Å"syncretistic† (Lawler: 8) or fusing two opposing meanings – that of both divine and human action. Fertility from human sexual intercourse is considered a divine blessing. 2. Discuss what you think about the story of Hosea and Gomer. Explain the understanding of God that is the basis of the pagan custom of â€Å"temple prostitution.† State how what Hosea said about the relationship between God and Israel differed from that pagan custom. Hosea followed God’s command to him to marry Gomer, a harlot who participated in sexual rituals in temples as re-enactment of the sexual intercourse between pagan god Baal and his wife and sister, Anat. Hosea’s marriage to Gomer mirrored the relationship between God and Israel because it was unconditional. Although Gomer was unfaithful to Hosea, he remained faithful to her and even bought her back when she was auctioned off to men. God’s love for Israel was the same. Even if Israel turned its back on God in favor of Baal, God still saved it from ruin. Pagan marriage is conditional and is open to divorce while marriage in Jewish tradition is supposed to be unconditional and does not approve of divorce. Anachronism means something that is not appropriate to the times. In this reading, it is reflected on two things: love and divorce. Hosea’s account of Gomer’s and Israel’s faithlessness not being reasons to turn away from them justifies the marriage covenant. Staying with them and remaining faithful is the true meaning of unconditional love. Marriage is a covenant that spouses should enter with loyalty, service and obedience. Love comes from divine covenant to human marriage, and Yahweh’s covenant fidelity to Israel should be emulated by all married couples. Thus, in Malachi’s book, Yahweh confirmed

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Financial Analysis Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Financial Analysis - Case Study Example It is recommendable for Chris Miller to use the past financial performance – financial ratios of Chang Dental Clinic as well as his financial forecasts to convince the bank to loan him the required funds to purchase the dental practice. The past financial performance of Chang Dental Clinic will be useful to the bank in determining the financial performance and the capacity of the clinic to repay its debts which will then help it to determine whether to loan Miller or not. Miller should use the past financial performance of the clinic to convince the bank to loan him the required funds to purchase the practice. Liquidity ratios show the financial performance of the firm and also show the healthy level of the firm. The reason as to why Miller should use the liquidity ratios for the clinic is because the loan will be repaid by the money that will be obtained from the clinic. The performance of the clinic will determine its ability to repay the loan once it is granted to Chris Miller who will be the proprietor and owner of the clinic. Some of the important financial ratios which Miller should present to the bank are as follows: Current ratio and acid test ratio show the ability of a firm to pay for its short term liabilities. The short term assets of the clinic are able to pay for its short term liabilities since the financial ratio are more than 0.5. The debt ratio for the company has reduced significantly from 2003 to 2005. Debt ratio compares the total debt of a company to its total assets. The low and reduced percentage for the clinic indicate less risk for the clinic and that the clinic is heavily dependent on leverage and that the clinic has a stronger equity position. Increasing net profit margin or positive trend in net profit margin for Chang Dental Clinic is an indication if increased profitability. Return on assets illustrates how a